Pastagericht mit Fleisch: Grill- und Seitenkocher-Pasta

Pasta dish with meat: grill and side cooker pasta

Prepare for an outdoor taste experience! Our recipe for grill and side-cooker pasta combines deliciously grilled meat with a hearty tomato sauce. Building your outdoor kitchen was a breeze, and now you can take full advantage of the possibilities. Let's get started!


  1. 250g penne or another pasta of your choice
  2. 250g beef fillet or chicken breast
  3. 2 EL Olivenöl
  4. 1 onion, diced
  5. 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  6. 1 paprika, diced
  7. 1 can of tomatoes (400g)
  8. 1 tsp dried oregano salt and pepper to taste
  9. Fresh herbs of your choice (e. g. Basil or parsley)


  1. Season the meat with salt, pepper and a little olive oil. Grill the meat on the grill until it reaches the desired cooking level. Then let it rest and cut into thin slices.
  2. Heat olive oil in a saucepan on the side cooker and sweat the onions and garlic in it. Add peppers and saute briefly.
  3. Add tomatoes, oregano, salt and pepper. Simmer the sauce until it thickens.
  4. Meanwhile, cook and drain the pasta.
  5. Serve the pasta with the tomato sauce and grilled meat slices. Garnish with fresh herbs.
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